
308 GTB Group 4 Facetti

Ferrari 308 GTB Group 4 Facetti

“Vetroresina” version from 1976
Converted to Group 4 specs by the Facetti brothers during 1977
1 of only 4 308 GTB Group 4 “Facetti”
Daytona 24H 1978 B Bondurant – D Malet – S Rombulotti
Driven to victory in multiple races by Carlo Facetti during the 1978 Campionato Italiano Group 4
Full mechanical restoration with fresh Roelofs engine
Highly eligible for all major events such as Tour Auto, Modena 100 Ore, Targa Florio Historic,…
FIA HTP & road registered
File with historic photographs, race entries,…
Fantastic piece of Italian racing history

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